

DTEM Basketball Tournament

The DTEM Basketball Tournament is designed to provide fellowship and activity for churches in the region of Down To Earth Ministries’ hometown of St. Marys, WV. Spending a couple of days in good Christian company while enjoying good Christian fellowship and friendly competition can be a great things for Believers. Final dates and venue have yet to be determined.

The tournament is held in 2 stages:
Stage 1 is The Group Stage where predetermined groups will play out to eliminate and determine rankings for the next stage.
Stage 2 is the Playoff Stage where the eight remaining teams will try to make their way through the bracket to win the championship.

We would like to allow churches to provide concessions as fundraisers for their teen and youth programs. If your church would like to provide concessions for part of the tournament please send us an email or text:


Tournament Location

To Be Determined

Location and Date have yet to be announced…

Who Can Join?

The DTEM Basketball Tournament is designed for churches in the region of DTEM’s hometown of St. Marys, WV. But there is no distance limit to what churches may join. There is also no denomination or association restrictions either; all churches are welcome.

Churches must agree to the rules found in the Rules/Guidlines Section of the website in order to join. These rules include code of conduct for players as well as game and tournament rules.

Message from the Director

“This tournament is aimed to provide fellowship and entertainment and exercise for churches in the region. Getting together in a Christian environment for fellowship and friendly competition can be a great source of encouragement and refreshment for Christians. Too often we fail to gather with other Christians and have fun. God never intended for us to live a miserable life, we are called to serve the Lord for the sake of the Gospel, but that does not mean we are to work ourselves to death, denying ourselves entertainment and fun. God saved us so we may have a more abundant life, not a miserable one. We are free from the bondage of sin and therefore have a better opportunity to enjoy the lives we live than those who do not know Christ as their Saviour. I hope you will consider joining us for this tournament. I am sure you will find it an encouraging and refreshing time for those involved. We would love for your church to bring a team to the tournament.”

-Isaiah Powell
Founder/Director of DTEM

God never called us to a miserable life of dreary servitude, He didn’t call us to work ourselves to death and be miserable in our Christian walk. He saved us so we can live a life free from the bondage of sin: so we could live a more abundant life. Gathering together as believers to have a fun time can greatly help us better perform our duties as Christians; it’s encouraging and uplifting.

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